Friday, August 14, 2009

Walk the Line


That red line above these words is the line of hypocrisy. I straddle this line daily. I know how I feel about a certain situation until it happens and its time to sink or swim, do or die, flutter or fly. Every so often I find myself giving out great advice that I don't practice. It is really easy to dissect the hell out of someone else but when it's time to turn the scalpel on yourself you are too shaky to make the first cut. Well, I am flawed. I sit and I think everyday. I make plans everyday. I say "tomorrow I will be better at....", yet everyday I fail to make the change. I'm not perfect. Never claimed to be. Not even striving for perfection, never have never will. I want better for others than I want for myself. I advise others to do things I can't do. I wish for my loved ones to perfect my flaws that they display in themselves so that maybe in turn I can learn from them. I also do things that I know I shouldn't. For these reasons, among others, I trip on that red line everyday. I am a hypocrite.

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